Friday, 27 April 2012

Guidelines for O' Level English Language Paper 1 (Writing)

Common Errors in English Language Paper 1 (Writing)

Section 1 (Directed Writing)
· The questions are not read properly and answered inappropriately.
· Improper formats are used.
· Improper beginning. (In letter despite the given instructions to start from ‘ Dear
      Principal’, the address is given.)
· Improper beginning or ending. (Despite the given instructions to end properly, the directed
      writing is not ending with the sign, full name and date.)
· Subject or Headline is not written.
· Introduction is missing and composition has started directly from description of content  
    points. Though the given situation should be reiterated in the introduction.
· Yours faithfully is used to end a letter to Principal. Though it is used for the recipient who    
         is not known.
· Use of informal tone in formal essay.
· Content points are not justified
· Only one or two content points are focused and elaborated properly.
· Pronoun ‘I’ is used when the whole class was to be represented.
· The given options are misunderstood and missed out in elaboration. For instance, barbeque   
         and movie was a single option yet in some cases, one of it was discussed only.

Section 2 (Creative Writing)

· Rubrics are not followed and question has not been started from a fresh page.
· Topic number is not mentioned or wrongly written.
· Plan is not made or is too brief.
· Rough work or plan is not cross out.
· Topics are not addressed properly. Relevance to the theme is not maintained.
· Coherence is missing.
· The given sentence/ dialogue is not used in the story.
· The given beginning is not used or used in the middle or end.
· In some of the cases own titles are given for the essays.
· Selection of lexis is inappropriate for the topic.
· Ambitious vocabulary is aimed with out understanding its correct usage or are spelt   
· Weak plot is crafted, with no action or adventure.
· Lack of imagery or expressions in descriptive and narrative essay.
· Lack of supportive arguments in argumentative essay.
· Facts and figures missing to justify the given case in argumentative essay.
· Beginning and Endings are quite stereotype and in some cases irrelevant. For instance, most
    of the narratives start from description of morning scene.
· Traces of copied material in the composition or plots of movies or famous novels are used.
· Illegible Writing or untidy presentation.
· No paragraphs are made.
· Less use of linking words.
· Dialogues are not written separately or in inverted commas.
· Tenses consistency is not maintained. For instance: Narrative essay should be written in 
      past tense.
· Word limit has been exceeded, resulting in monotony and recurrent grammatical and          
    spelling errors.
· The difference between ‘there’ and ‘their’ is not understood.
· There is no expression like ‘according to me’. As far as I am concerned can be used.
· With the expression “one of the” plural noun should be used. One of my
      friends/ family members.
· Object is used in place of subject. For instance: Me entered the room in hurry. Here ‘I’   
    should be written.
· Preference should be given to others. For Instance: Instead of writing, ‘I and my class’  
      mates, ‘My classmates and I’ should be used. 

Common Errors in English Language Paper 2

Section 1 (Reading for Ideas)

Note Making:
· Notes are not précised. Details and examples are mentioned.
· Some points are not extracted from the specified paragraphs.
· Points are written out of the given space.
· Points are illegible.
· Own points/ opinions are included.
· Two given points are also added to complete 15 points.

·         Own words are not used
·         Linking Words are missing.
·         Word count is either not mentioned or wrongly written.
·         Word Count is exceeded. (More than 160 words.)
·         All the points of notes are not included.
Short Question/ Answers:
· Facts and opinions are not taken from the specified paragraphs.
· No conclusion is drawn in conclusion question.
· In personal experience or opinion question, information or examples from the given   
      passage are taken.

Section 2 (Reading for Meanings)

·  Types of questions are not identified so answered inaccurately.
·  In own words questions, mere keywords are written than mentioning synonyms.
·  In quotation question, sentences are written instead of a word or phrase.
·  In vocabulary question, more than one meaning is given or more than seven words are
      used for description.
·  In vocabulary question, literal meaning is written instead of contextual meaning.
·  Conclusion is not drawn for inferential questions.